
Individual Therapy

We cannot change anything about yesterday and can only do so much to prepare for tomorrow. Today is the day to do the best we can.

Symptoms of trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Symptoms of trauma can present as a wide variety of sometimes intense experiences that can make it difficult to engage in daily life. Trauma is unique in the ways it can impact people, from difficult experiences like thoughts, feelings, memories, etc., symptoms of avoidance, changes in arousal (difficulty sleeping, elevated heart rate, ruminative thoughts), and changes in the ways we think about things and our mood. These symptoms can even impact our ability to feel joy and lead us to lose interest in things we once may have loved. The good news is there is hope as a number of treatments have been shown to be highly effective for the treatment of trauma, no matter the cause(s) or how long ago they may have been.

Trauma is not just for those who have been in combat, it can impact anyone for a number of deeply impactful reasons.

Doc B’s extensive training in the treatment of trauma results in a wide variety of perspectives and approaches that help you feel confident in the tailor-made approach for you. Doc B has diverse experience treating individuals and couples who feel stuck after experiencing trauma. This is even true for those who tried therapy before and did not feel a previous approach was helpful for them. Some of the most common approaches to trauma used by Doc B include:

  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy (EMDR)
  • Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT)
  • Prolonged Exposure (PE)
  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Trauma (ACT-T)
  • Motivational Interviewing
  • Written Exposure Therapy
  • And many other mindfulness-based treatment approaches
Doc B is trained in every major trauma treatment and remains actively engaged in that research. He is currently writing a book about using music and learning to play guitar for mindfulness, which is based on some work Doc B did with veterans in a “Guitar for Vets” group.

Symptoms of Depression

Symptoms of depression are so much more than just feeling sad or having a bad day. For some, feeling lonely, empty, overwhelmed, or seemingly being unable to get going can result in additional problems like weight fluctuations, feelings of worthlessness, exhaustion, and even thoughts of self-harm or suicide. Symptoms of depression are not something one can “shake off,” and notions you should “get over it” only complicate the situation and self-judgment. They sometimes can make it feel like nothing will help and nothing sounds good anymore. Therapy can be an excellent place to “lay it all on the table” to help sort through and find a path forward.

Symptoms of depression can affect anyone at any point in life .They may result from experiencing a range of specific events to long-term challenges that impact the way we engage with the world. Though it may even seem insurmountable, the symptoms of depression can be helped with different therapeutic approaches to meet you where you are and help you establish a plan of action that can drastically impact your emotional climate. Doc B can even help you work with your prescriber to balance any medication management strategies that are helpful for you when necessary.

Doc B uses a variety of techniques to treat symptoms of depression including:

Doc B is currently writing a book about using music and learning to play the guitar for mindfulness, which is based on some work Doc B did with veterans in a “Guitar for Vets” group.

*EMDR is not currently on the list of Research-Supported Psychological Treatments for the treatment of depression by the Society of Clinical Psychology.

Symptoms of Anxiety

There are a wide variety of treatments that can be effective for treating the symptoms of anxiety. Doc B is trained in a variety of the leading evidence-based treatments for anxiety, including symptoms like hair pulling, skin picking, hoarding, and more. These approaches help to ease symptoms of worry, apprehension, tension, fear, and rumination, and provide helpful strategies to help get things back on track. These symptoms can be very challenging and get in the way by seeming to steal our ability to enjoy the present or our lives, or by depleting our energy reserves.

Anxiety treatment can help you regain control of your life and navigate the challenges through the various life challenges and transitions. Symptoms of anxiety are not something that go away on their own and can be incredibly persistent, but they are not insurmountable. These strategies help navigate around the boulders in our path instead of wasting time trying to control (or fix) things out of our control. Psychological flexibility is a helpful goal as it helps us be able to present in an objective way. This helps us see things for the way they really are instead of the way our mind “presents them to us.” Once we see things for the way they are, we can then focus on what we choose is important no matter what challenges there may be. We then commit to action, even in those times we may not feel like it.

Doc B uses a variety of techniques to treat anxiety including:

All of the approaches Doc B uses are informed by his training in anxiety treatment as well as numerous mindfulness and acceptance-based strategies and approaches. He is currently writing a book about using music and learning to play the guitar for mindfulness, which is based on some work Doc B did with veterans in a “Guitar for Vets” group.

*EMDR is not currently on the list of Research-Supported Psychological Treatments for the treatment of anxiety by the Society of Clinical Psychology.

Dr. Ron Bean is incredibly caring, supportive, and knowledgeable. I started with really struggling with anxiety and severe depression amongst other mental issues looking for some sort of relief and guidance on how to move forward with my life in a healthy way. Dr. Ron has been so patient and attentive in helping me find the root causes of these issues and how to overcome my past traumas. I couldn’t ask for better guidance or a more truly compassionate counselor. He is honest and true to himself, a session with him never feels forced or unauthentic. I’m beyond grateful to have been matched with Dr. Ron Bean and his kindness.

~ W.H. after counseling with Ron for 2 months on issues concerning depression, stress, anxiety, and eating disorders

Symptoms of Panic or Agoraphobia

Sometimes, one’s body may get caught in intense arousal that may include a racing heart, tightness in your chest (or other areas of the body), sweating, racing thoughts, nausea, fear, and more. These can feel overwhelming and completely unpleasant, and even life threatening for some. It’s “more than just anxiety.” As a result, some people develop a fear of “having another panic attack.” In that situation, many report feeling they are “always on guard” for any sign of trouble. In that state, it seldom comes up empty because any sign of trouble then raises other alarm bells, which raise more alarm bells…“just to be safe.” So, it is like almost any sign of trouble sets off that chain of events.

Agoraphobia is when these experiences result in someone possibly fearing open or crowded places, leaving the comfort zone of home, or being in any situation where escape or getting out may be difficult.

Doc B uses a variety of techniques to treat symptoms of panic including:

All of the approaches Doc B uses are informed by his training in panic treatment as well as numerous mindfulness and acceptance-based strategies and approaches. He is currently writing a book about using music and learning to play the guitar for mindfulness, which is based on some work Doc B did with veterans in a “Guitar for Vets” group.

*EMDR is not currently on the list of Research-Supported Psychological Treatments for the treatment of panic by the Society of Clinical Psychology.


Symptoms of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a term for a cluster of symptoms that can cause distress through the challenges they present. The term OCD is widely misunderstood (and misdiagnosed) and experiencing its symptoms seldom looks anything like what is shown on TV. Actual criteria for OCD include intrusive or unwanted thoughts that are associated with some behaviors or rituals that are aimed at reducing distress. OCD can present in a wide variety of symptoms that can include concerns about cleanliness, germs, organization, orderliness, and more.

Doc B uses a variety of techniques to treat symptoms of OCD including:

All of the approaches Doc B uses are informed by his training in OCD treatment as well as numerous mindfulness and acceptance-based strategies and approaches. He is currently writing a book about using music and learning to play the guitar for mindfulness, which is based on some work Doc B did with veterans in a “Guitar for Vets” group.

*EMDR is not currently on the list of Research-Supported Psychological Treatments for the treatment of OCD by the Society of Clinical Psychology.

Dr. Bean is everything one could hope for in a counselor. His passion, experience, understanding, and humor make therapy enjoyable. I would recommend him to anyone and everyone. Dr. Bean genuinely does his best to understand every situation, and has a wide variety of tools to utilize during difficult moments. He is a one in a million counselor.

~ C.H. after counseling with Ron for 2 weeks on issues concerning depression, stress, anxiety, trauma and abuse, grief, intimacy-related issues, self-esteem, compassion fatigue, and ADHD

Working with Grief, Medical Challenges, and other Life Transitions

While loss is something we all expect to experience at some point in our lives, one never knows how losing someone may impact life or the future. The same is true with facing a challenging medical diagnosis. Counseling with Doc B can be a supportive and nonjudgmental place to help experience, sort through, and effectively manage the emotions and decisions necessary to navigate the incredibly complex experiences of grief, job loss, and other life-transition distress. Each person has their own path as they navigate these challenges and Doc B has the training to help find the path that makes the most sense for you.

Doc B uses a variety of techniques to treat symptoms of grief including:

All of the approaches Doc B uses are informed by his training in grief treatment as well as numerous mindfulness and acceptance-based strategies and approaches. He is currently writing a book about using music and learning to play the guitar for mindfulness, which is based on some work Doc B did with veterans in a “Guitar for Vets” group.

*EMDR is not currently on the list of Research-Supported Psychological Treatments for the treatment of grief by the Society of Clinical Psychology.

find a path forward

Request An Appointment

This is a no judgment zone.

It can be challenging to make that first contact to discuss the challenges you are facing. There is a reason the windshield is bigger than the rearview mirror. Contact Doc Bean today to decide for yourself if you would like to begin. Doc Bean is currently offering in-person, telehealth, and phone call appointments.

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